Tuesday 5 June 2018

Craft Time...

I'm stepping in to Lynda's spot today as she is out and about today and has been a very busy lady of late.
I thought I'd talk a bit more about my craft journey.
As a child I loved nothing more than to make keepsake cards and gifts for family and friends.
Interestingly we have recently been clearing out at my late mum and dad's property and I have come across many of the cards I made for them which they kept.
I'll have to upload some pictures in my next post.
I still do make special gifts and cards for family and friends, like many of us crafters do.
About 6 years ago I was lucky enough to be given the opportunity to work on various design teams.
I couldn't believe that I'd progressed from a casual crafter to one who had the privilege of being on craft companies DT;s!
I was an awesome experience and still is!
Seeing my work on TV gave me a huge buzz and still does with the teams I'm currently on.
It's interesting to see how our work develops over the years as we learn different techniques and are inspired by changing trends and styles.
About 6 years ago I started decorating CD's and turning them into clocks, I rapidly got know as "The Clock Lady" and wherever I went people would say "Oh I know you, you're the Clock Lady."
They didn't know me by name just "The Clock Lady" Lol!
Hence the name of my original blog which I called Craft Time.
The CD clocks are something I know many, many followers have enjoyed doing too and I do still make these clocks from time to time.
In fact I made one recently for my daughter's birthday which I will have to share, I haven't had chance to photograph it yet.
I have made so many different clocks for all sorts of occasions using varying themes for craft projects, DT and personal as well as for gifts.
Today I thought I'd share a very few going back to 2012 where it all started, hope you enjoy...
Have a great day...Karen x

1 comment:

  1. Hi Karen, when I saw my beautiful clock on my notifications, I just had to stop by your blog to say "Hi." Many years ago you very kindly gave me a present of one of your fabulous clocks...the beautiful fairy door clock, second from the top. I treasure my little clock and it has pride of place in my craft room. It keeps wonderful time and it reminds me when I should stop crafting and get the evening meal ready lol! Thank you so much once again, I love it! Have a good week lovely lady. Love and Hugs Jennifer xx.
